Thursday, September 26, 2013

10 Ways To Help Your Kids To Learn Math


1. Make sure your children understand basic mathematical concepts.

2. Help them master the simple things first.

3. Teach them to write their numbers neatly and line them up correctly.

4. Provide help immediately when your children need it.

5. Help them with math homework or hire a tutor if needed.

6. Encourage your children to do more than the assigned homework.

7. Explain how to solve word problems using basic steps.

8. Help your children learn the vocabulary of mathematics.

9.Teach them how to do math in their mind.

10. Use math in their daily life.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

How Too Motivate Children In School And At Home

1.Encourage them to express their opinions.
2.Show enthusiasm their interests.
3.Provide them with play opportunities that support different learning styles.
4. Point out the new things they learn with enthusiasm.
5. Ask about what they are learning in school.
6. Help them to stay organized.
7.Celebrate achievements no matter how small.
8.Focus on their strengths and help with their weaknesses. 
9.Turn everyday events into learning opportunities.
10.Don’t forget to have fun.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Eleven Ways to Improve Schools

1.Become Teacher-Friendly.
2.Invest in preschool programs.
3.Keep schools safe.
4.Provide quality after-school programs.
5.Encourage innovation in public education.
6.Recognize and encourage schools that show improvement.
7.Encourage parents to be active in their children's education.
8.Build strong relationships with school district leaders.
9.Find ways to motivate students.
10.Foster learning communities within schools.
11.Stop reinventing the education wheel.  

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

10 Personality Traits That Make Classroom Management More Difficult

1. Unorganized

2. Impatient

3. Quick To Anger

4. Pessimistic

5. Low self-esteem

6. Overly Sensitive

7. Easily Frustrated

8. Poor social skills

9. Obsessive compulsive

10. To Talkative